
  • AMD FX-6100 3.3 Ghz (Stock cooler)
  • ASUS Sabertooth AM3+ Socket Mobo
  • Cougar Evolution Full ATX Tower
  • GigaBYTE GTX 770 
  • 8gb Sniper 1866 Mhz DDR3


Towards the end of 8th grade my macbook*, 5 years into its long life, was starting not to cut it for certain tasks. My dad decided to allow me to build a desktop PC for the family. I consulted the techies at my school as well as my friends and decided on a build that (looking back on it) was somewhat unbalanced but worked well for upgradeability and longevity. That machine resembled pretty closely what exists now so rather than listing the specs, I’ll just talk about the differences and how it has evolved over the years. The biggest change came when I upgraded from my EVGA GTX 550ti to the Gigabyte GTX 770 that now lives in the machine. The 550ti served my needs for most gaming, but the 770 just made things fly and look beautiful. Other then that the changes have been few and far between, and are mostly seen in the peripherals and the cable management. My display setup changed quite a bit, originally starting with one 1080p screen and a weird no-name flat screen TV off to the side. The two screen setup I have now is great for productivity, but does not serve any real purpose whilst gaming.

*More projects surrounding my macbook here & here